Nexus Earth
[ Nexus Universe ]

Dat Nexus Earth tho
Nexus Earth is another version of Earth located in Nexus Universe. This Earth while very much similar to the Earths in Alpha and Beta Universes, like others has it's fair share of glaring differences. The most notable of these differences is the fact that it has an 8th continent. While this continent was once inhabited heavily and prosperous, a sudden occurrence simply called The Event happened.
Despite this having a title for one reason or another, be it some world government conspiracy or a more sinister doing, no one seems to know what happened. Many an urban legend has come about regarding it's sudden movement from prosperous continent with a number of states and countries to vast barren wasteland. The urban legends have told tales of anything from an Alien Invasion, to a Meteor hitting, though no evidence of either has ever been found.
To this day the continent's demise remains an enigma and any who have come seeking the truth have mysteriously disappeared or have returned home... different, with an altered state of mind.