The Wasteland
[Entire outerlying area surrounding Nexus 31 and the displaced cities]s
The Wasteland is what makes up much of the 8th continent on Nexus Earth. Despite being barren for the most part, there is quite a bit of evidence that tells this may have once been a thriving area, given the numerous abandoned industrial sites, such as Factories, Power and Water plants. There are also numerous abandoned cities and towns, which now lay in ruins spread around the landscape. No one quite knows what happened in the past.
As the story goes 'This place was once thriving and populated, then one day.. this'.
The current inhabitants, likely holdovers from the previous civilization and their distant relatives have taken to more criminal acts to survive, given the dried out landscape and limited resources through most of it.
Rather than banding together to help rebuild, they've taken to a tribal, scavenger bandit mentality. With a number of groups throughout the continent, they lie in wait, ready to ambush any hapless travelers through means of violence and murder, taking whatever they can from their victims.With the addition of Sanctuary and parts of Pandora now having taken root on the continent's eastern side thanks to the displacement, the struggle for resources and dominance is at an all-time high. This is due to the fact that the inhabitants of Pandora had been dealing with a similar situation prior to their displacement.
Survival of the Fittest.

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