Rules and FAQS
Q: What is this?
A: This is a Roleplaying Storyline. The character's, events, and situation are entirely fictional. This should not need to be said, but unfortunately it does. Also, any likenesses, graphics, Pbs, etc. belong to their respective owners.
Q: What's the setting like?
A. The setting of this SL is Modern/Fantasy/Sci-fi, open world with day to day things happening ontop of the craziness of the Multiverse if you've gone through the site you should have an idea, if you came here first well, by all means take a look around after you're finished reading.
Q: Is this SL an E for Everyone or an AO type?
A: M for Mature. This Storyline is mature-themed. We assume any and all players are over the age of 18. Given that, we as well expect any and all players to conduct themselves as such. This is a storyline for writers and storytellers.
Q: What kind of character can I play? How many can I have?
A: Just about any character, seeing as how this SL deals with alternate realities and all. Some characters will need mod approval, however, depending on power set and all. This is mostly to prevent any potential God Moding but if you're a savvy and balanced player with it there won't be any issues. As for how many, you may have 2 characters. There is also a suggestion you make one Agent and one Resident, however you don't have to but it will help anyone who wants easier access to both Nexus and City/Wasteland story arcs.
Q: And Dice?
A: Not really, this SL is geared more towards writers than rollers. While we will occasionally incorporate a roll her and there for randomization or if someone has a specific mechanic for their character that requires it, we really do use them. If you're someone who loves to rollplay more than rollplay, there are other Sls out there and all that lean heavily on a dice system of sort.
Q: Is this a PvP type SL or what?
A: Nah, this isn't a PvP SL, it Co-OP and primarily PvE (Player versus enemy). Of course characters will not always get along with one and other as this is an ever-evolving story. And occasionally fights will occur between player characters, however when this happens, fights between player characters are typically talked and worked out between the respective players before going IC. When needed a moderator can be requested to oversee the scuffle.
Q: Do I have to respect the other Players and Mods.
A: If you have to ask this question you should probably back out of this website.
Q: Speaking of mods/admins. Do they have final say on things.
A: Simply put, Yes. When we have to make a final ruling, we always try to do things fairly and logically in that regard.
Q: Is smut allowed?
A. This is not a smut SL, so no it's not allowed. There are tons of other SLs and all that are smut related you can jump into, this is not one of them. There is also no sexual content on the rooms, if your character and another character end up being attracted to each other and wanna get it on, take it to DMs.
Q: How is the consent thing here?
A. To play is to consent in general RP/Narration that Admins/Moderators have final say in all Storyline-related rulings. Certain situations(such as character death) are left up to the player's choice. This SL does not kill characters off. Unless of course you.. you know, really want your's killed off and all.
Q: Cross Roleplay, GodMode and whatever other usual things people try to pull in RP, can I do that in here?
A: Nope. OOC/IC Crossplay, God-Moding, and Power-Gaming will not be tolerated. If your intent is to come in here and do that, I implore you to move your mouse cursor over to that “X” in the top right corner and click it now.
Q: I'm going to be gone for a while, is there anything I need to do?
A: We understand that everyone has lives away from RP, but we do also require activity. If you are going to be gone for any more than a week IRL, please notify a moderator. Given past incidents. we do tend to worry when just randomly go missing for a long period of time.
Q: Is that everything?
A: Nope, this section will be updated periodically as i'm sure more questions that need to go up here will arise.