The Multiverse was a hypothetical set of possible universes/realities including the universe we currently experience that together currently complete everything that does and can exist. Space, Time, Matter, Energy as well as all of the fundamental physical laws as well as constants that bind and describe them. The varied Universes within Universes are often times called "Parallel" Universes. The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it and the relationship between the various constituent universes, depend on the specific multiverse hypothesis considered.
Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, transpersonal psychology and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy. In these contexts, parallel universes are also called "alternative universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternative realities", "alternative timelines", and "dimensional planes," among others. The various realities all exhude different variables and outcomes. For example, Alpha and Beta Universes are mirror images of each other, in Alpha Universe, the current US President is Donald Trump while, in Beta Universe, the current US President is Hillary Clinton.
Each Universe has similarities to one another, they each generally have the same people, places, things, etc. however, some are heavily altered while others remained fairly similar with the exception of a couple of minor differences.

A Universe, and Travel:
Space is big. Very, very big. Every part of space - for purposes of simplicity, this will be reduced to 'solar systems' 'galaxies' and the whole of space will be referred to as 'a universe' - is also very, very big. Without diving into specifics, it takes a long amount of time to cross any distance of space, and even fractions of light-years can take many months. Remember - a light year is defined as being the distance traveled by light, in a vacuum, over the course of one year. The speed of light is approximately three million meters per second. To save you the math, a light year is approximately ten trillion kilometers, or six trillion miles. Write that number down in the long-hand and you'll get the idea of how long travel will take without seriously advanced technologies or very powerful magic.
Laws and Physics of the Universes:
Each Universe has a different reality. Although the laws of physics, space and time may be the same for the most part, there are some subtle, and some not-so-subtle differences. In some Universes, stuff like magic may exist. In others, it may not. In another universe, you might have the reputation and power of a God, but going into another universe could revert you into an ordinary human being. It might turn you into an anthro, it might even turn you into a frog. There are universes where super-strength is a common attribute, and a five year old might be stronger than those famous for being the strongest in a different universe. The only thing which is always consistent in every verse is that they have some sort of a similarity in the life energy of their inhabitants. For instance, taking one Mirai Eta-Su; in one universe, she is a bio-android. In another she might be a lawyer, and in yet another she may be some dictator reigning over a country in Africa or South America. In another universe, she might be a lazy house-cat that has a tendency to dwell in air vents.
Each universe has some sort of parallel like this, and these parallels are referred to as 'reoccurring similarities'.
Timelines and Universes:
As said before, universes have some similarities, and many differences. The result is that they form at different points in time - to elaborate, in our universe it is 2017 C. E. (common era, otherwise known as 'after death'), in another universe it may be 3082 C. E., and in another universe it may be 2000 B.C. E. (before common era, otherwise known as 'before Christ'.)
Galaxy within a Universe
Solar System within a Galaxy

Microverses, Dimensions and other Planes:
Each Universe has its own dimensions, their own spirit words and layers of existence. For instance, in some universes, a species known as 'lycan' (further broken down into garou, ghurkal and a few others) have the ability to side-step into a land called the Umbra. In another universe, that dimension may be known as the 'Mmbra', and there might be an entirely different method of entrance, of travel, and of exit. In another universe, there might not even be an umbra. The result is that these methods are not ones that can be used to travel to a different universe.
The Multiverse Authority method of travel between universes is the use of Wormholes, which occur in two variety. One is through the generation of one, using a device known as a Quantum Tunneler that requires a gigantic amount of energy to power. Another is through the use of naturally occurring wormholes, which can very nearly be predicted like the weather, but are still rather rare. Yet another method was devolped by Dr. Hildibrant, known simply as slipstreaming, where a wormhole is established but then the slipstream device uses energy to fold space and time. actually joining one point to another without any side effects to the enviroment, or the traveler. The last method of travel is by being a powerful, cosmic being - but the expenditure of energy to do something like this, even for a god, may be damaging in a permanent way.

Dead Zones
A dead zone is an area in which everyone is, essentially, rendered human. Electronics do not work. Magic does not work. Psionic connections are severed and the ability of immortals is stunted to the point of ordinary mortality. Technology may still work, unless it requires any sort of artificial power - for instance, a pistol or a rifle will work fine, but anything that requires a battery or an electrical connection is out of luck. There are documented occasions where a strange anomaly has occurred in a Dead Zone, but these are incredibly rare and very little is known about them. Beings which would not be allowed to survive without their psionic connections or magic are will transform into whatever their true form might be - or if they lack one, will appear as a human being.
[OOC Note: This is not negotiable. There is no way to change the nature of a Dead Zone in any way, shape, form or measure.]
Null Zones
A null zone is somewhat less extreme than a dead zone. Any radical changes from evolution (for instance, a super-powered mutant) are reverted, reducing their powers to the point that they are simply human. Technology will still work just fine, however.
[OOC Note: This is not negotiable. There is no way to change the nature of a Null Zone in any way, shape, form or measure.]
Ebbing Null Zone
A Ebbing Null Zone is kin to an ordinary Null Zone - however, it is a bit sporadic in how powerful it is and will effect everyone differently, sometimes taking away all power, sometimes taking away none at all, and sometimes only reducing the power of a certain being.
[OOC Note: This will require a 1d4 roll upon entering any Ebbing Null Zone scenes.]
[Rolls are: 1 = No Powers, 2 = Quarter Powered, 3 = Half Power, 4 = Fully Powered.]
Clear Zone
Everything works perfectly. If they have any powers, your character was almost certainly born in a Clear Zone.
Unknown Zones
The word Unknown speaks for itself. There are places in existence where the laws of physics go straight to hell, and upon arrival everything may change. You may grow a second head, shrink half your size, double your size, turn into a frog or a pony or if you're lucky, Samuel L. Jackson. Unknown Zones vary from one to another.
Multiverse Counterparts
The 'circle of energy' mentioned before under 'Laws and Physics of the Verses' comes into effect once more. Each universe is connected by a string of energy, and this string of energy creates the similarities which were mentioned. The inhabitants of the verses which are connected by their strings of energies are known in reference to each other as 'Multiversal Counterparts'. Above are pictures of Snake Eyes of Alpha Universe, and Evan Funsch (KIA) of Blastus Universe. They may look the same, but are two very, very different people.
The nature of the MVC changes from verse to verse. You may be an actor, a lawyer, a murderer, a cop, a king, a president, an animal, an alien... there will be similarities and a certain sort of feeling should you ever meet your MVC, due to the converging of the two lines of energy.
Below, Gabriel Yulaw, a rogue agent, is explained in detail. Why Yulaw is so notorious is due to the murder of almost every single one of his MVC's - the death of each one has made him stronger, smarter, faster and tougher, boosting his physiology to insane levels. However, not every single murdered MVC had produced the same shift of power...
When one kills their own MVC, one of the following things happen:
-The energy is dispersed between all MVC’s and makes them stronger, smarter, faster, better.
-The energies are all absorbed by the MVC who committed the murder.
-The energies are dispersed between all of the MVC's - save the one who committed the murder.
-The energies are absorbed by the planet or area where the murder occurred.
-Nothing happens.
[OOC Note: Mod approval is required for this, though usually unlikely without a good SL backing to it.]
The One
There was once a decorated MVA Fugitive Retrieval Marshal, by the name of Gabriel Yulaw. Yulaw was one of the most highly trained and efficient marshals in the Multiverse Authority, and had been credited with Retrieval Rating (that is, successful retrievals) of 99.6%. Unfortunately, during one of these retrievals, Yulaw was forced to defend himself against one of his MVC's (Multiversal Counterparts), and killed the version of himself in self defense. When the deed was done, energies expelled from the dead man and were dispersed amongst Yulaw and the rest of his MVC's.
Given a taste of this power, Yulaw went rogue. The ex-marshal leapt from universe to universe, hunting down and killing all of the MVC's that he could - and with each murder, Yulaw became even more powerful. His MVC's also became more powerful, but didn't have the same knowledge that Yulaw had, and he was able to kill almost every one, until he came to the last. The only two left of that 'circle of life', the thing which connects all MVC's, are the two known as Gabriel Yulaw and Gabe Law. Gabe Law and Yulaw fought once, and the result was the defeat of Yulaw. He was sent to the Stygian Penal Colony in Hades Universe - however, an event of very little details are known happened, and he was allowed to escape.
Gabe Law is currently in protective custody.
Gabriel Yulaw is still at large.
Anyone who finds Gabriel Yulaw is to report his location immediately - but it is important that they do not engage, unless no other option is available.
Known Strengths and Weaknesses
-It has been theorized that Yulaw has super-human strength, speed, reflexes and intelligence, as well as a physiology to match up with all of that. His feats have shown that his power currently exceeds that of beings such as Gods like Zeus and even the mad titan Thanos.
-Yulaw has shown to be able to instantly heal wounds, as well as being able to withstand attacks that would otherwise destroy most superpowered beings.
-Certain abilities such as mental control, puppeting and matter manipulation to a degree do not seem to affect Yulaw.
-Yulaw has numerous resources and contacts around the Multiverse. He has also been known to work with some of the Multiverse Beings in existence. Reasons are currently unknown.
-Yulaw appearedto be unaffected by Dead and Null zones, or the differing laws of existence in other verses. The reason for this is yet unknown.
[OOC Note: Yulaw is one of the most powerful beings in the Multiverse.]
[OOC Note: Yulaw is one of the few unaffected by Universal Laws and Physics.]
-Yulaw appears to have no known weakness.

Rena Gates
Kitt Desuya
[Xenos Universe]
[Victorio Universe]
Human "GHOST"

Gabe Law
Gabriel Yulaw
Cosmic and Multiverse Beings
During your travels, you will likely run into some Multiversal/Cosmic beings who are incredibly powerful. These beings are incredibly rare to come across throughout the multiverse, and work for different causes and under different profiles. Some revel in their power. Some hate their power. Some, just want to live a normal life - they could be right under your nose.
[OOC Note: These beings are all NPCs, with very, very rare exceptions to allowing a player to actually main one as their character.]

The Wormhole
[ Located at Nexus 31 ]
A gateway to numerous alternate universes. It opened, exploding onto the landscape, destroying a river and making it into a canyon. Now a forever open doorway to the know and unknown. Since the Outpost’s opening, thus far a variation of “The Titanic” and some Bondage Mage with a penchant for collecting people, has arrived through the wormhole. Who knows what else may arrive by way of this window in the future.

Laws of the Multiverse
“You could consider the idea of the multiverse, and think of it as something like a tree—that is, the universe we live in is one of an uncountable number of branches of possible universes, created by random chance and the decisions of sentient beings. So, for instance, when I rang you up in the morning, there was a possible future universe in which you answered the phone, and another in which you did not, and by answering the phone you put us in one universe and not the other. In that instance the time traveler doesn't just move from the future to the past and back to the future: he moves down one branch of the universe, toward the root that's back at the beginning of time, and back up another branch.”